A Pinch of Salt

This section features personal reflections, comments, insights, and any other content that adds a pinch of salt to the understanding of business.

The cultural capital of luxury brands | Key takeaways

Great session with an engaged audience yesterday at the “Fashion and Luxury Law” course organized by Tailored. The session was specifically designed for legal experts and students of law to appreciate the social and cultural value of luxury brands. Here below the key takeaways: 1. Brands’ value is socially...

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The future of the luxury industry | Bain & Company

The role of luxury brands is enlarging and is questioned, per se. They were relevant as a product, then as a producer of content, but now more and more as broadcasters and amplifiers of content and interactions that are relevant for the consumers. By 2030, this industry will be...

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Lessons in cultural strategy | Patek Philippe and the “Generations” campaign (since 1996)

A very interesting article by Stephen Pulvirent from Hodinkee about the “Generations” campaign of Patek Philippe  [link here] Advertising agency Leagas Delany launched the “Generations” campaign in 1996, turning Patek Philippe into the brand of the watches “you look after for the next generation.” The behind-the-scenes described in the...

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The cultural capital of luxury brands | Session for TAILORED

Building and protecting a brand’s value is one of the most critical aspects for every business, one that requires both the specialism of law and a deep understanding of the markets. In business transactions or litigations, companies and legal experts rely on quantifiable sets of financial and marketing metrics....

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Closing the loop between culture and branding | “Cultural Strategy”

“Cultural Strategy” by Holt & Cameron [link here] has been around for more than 10 years. And it is still one of the best works proving how a cultural approach to brand strategy leads to blue-ocean innovations. Some businesses strive to close the loop between culture and branding. Managers...

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Culture in business: too thick or too thin

A compelling piece (“This morning Twitter kissed culture hard on the mouth”)by Grant McCracken [link here] about the state of culture in business. […] we have all struggled to put the culture idea on the agenda. People give it lip service, but when it comes to hiring people to supply cultural...

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Human touch and customer experience: rediscovering craftsmanship

Culture is often overlooked, but is a critical foundation in a distinctively customer-centric organization: an organization where all employees collectively and individually prioritize customer needs in everything that they do every day. (Mc Kinsey’ Service Operations Practice) A great read from McKinsey [link here], finally clarifying that excellent customer...

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The art of bowing, and a few lessons in cultural awareness

How can companies start developing cultural awareness about their markets and customers? Let me share first a personal story. At the conclusion of my Ph.D. studies in Japan, I was asked to represent my cohort at the university graduation ceremony. I had spent there five years as the only...

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Material culture and consumption | Guest talk

What do Diderot and Moira Rose have in common? What about Rihanna, and the 15th President of USA James Buchanan? An interesting dressed appearance, for a start… I have given a talk to the MA students in Luxury Jewelry Management, Birmingham City University. Such a great opportunity to share...

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How to build a rich digital heritage storytelling | Hot off the press

When approaching heritage storytelling, marketers tend to focus on the heritage part, directing their attention to mining the past of their brand/company in search for content. As the term storytelling points out, however, this is a communicative act. We need to consider the communication context, the channels we share...

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